Threatened and Endangered Species Assessments
In some cases, a regulatory agency may require that a project site is evaluated for threatened and endangered species before issuing a permit. Peterson & VandenBerg Environmental is equipped to evaluate a site and determine if your project might have impacts on a threatned or endangered species.
Peterson & VandenBerg Environmental Services

Threatened & Endangered Species Habitat Assessments
The project site will be evaluated for the presence of potential habitat that is preferred by threatened and/or endangered species, from mussels to birds to butterflies. If habitat is found, we can direct you through the next steps as well.
Pictured is Pitcher's Thistle (Cirsium pitcheri), a flowering plant species native to the Great Lakes region. Pitcher's Thistle is threatened in Michigan due to invasive species competition and habitat loss.
Potential Bat Roosting Tree Surveys
In Michigan, there are two endangered bat species: the Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) and the Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis). These species have specific requirements for roost trees, such as loose bark. Trees with potential bat habitat have cutting restrictions in place to ensure these bats are not harmed. Tree surveys for potential roost trees ensure these species are not harmed during tree removal.

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